B.C. winery is served Buy Local funding

From soil to sunshine to scenic vineyards, wineries throughout B.C. are giving British Columbians a diverse sensory experience that is as extraordinary as the province itself. The provincial government’s Buy Local program is providing 15 B.C.-based wineries and...

BC winery calls for help for Peru flooding victims

An Island Winery with Strong Peruvian Ties Peru is special to the owners of the winery. The Brunner family, who purchased the pioneering Island winery in 2012, call Peru home for half of the year. Cristina Brunner is Peruvian and has deep roots, with many family...

Kelowna winery made the top chardonnay of the world

The top 10 highest scoring wines at the 2017 Chardonnay du Monde competition have been released from Burgundy, France. Topping the list is Kelowna’s Summerhill Pyramid Winery 2014 Chardonnay Icewine. The gold medal winning 2014 Chardonnay Icewine is a vibrant...